In the news...
Tatyana Shramko's work has been featured in news stories, exhibits, and competitions both domestic and international. Read and watch the stories here or visit the Instagram page.
City Creatives: Tatyana Shramko's love of sculpture from Ukraine to ALX
In the wake of World War II, Tatyana Shramko developed her senses for sculpture as a child in Ukraine, finding the beauty in debris and mundane items. She learned to entertain herself in unconventional ways to distract from the destruction around her.
Read the full article from October 2024 on the Alexandria Times.
Recent commission of Melvin Miller installed at ARHA
In addition to new lettering on the building with Miller’s name, a bust of Miller by Torpedo Factory artist Tatyana Shramko was unveiled in the building’s lobby. “My dad would be truly humbled by this,” said Marc Miller.
Read the full article from November 2022 on the Alexandria Gazette.
Photo courtesy of Jeanne Theismann and the Alexandria Gazette
Q&A with Award Winner Tatyana Shramko
If you’ve been to the Torpedo Factory, you probably remember seeing sculptures like the one above in the studio of sculptor Tatyana Shramko, towering over you at seven feet tall.
Read the full article and interview from December 2013 on The Art League.
Photo credit: The Art League (2013)
Art in colder climes: sculpting with Tatyana Shramko
Travel is a hot topic at the Torpedo Factory, but raise the subject during a February freeze and you may find yourself chatting with sculptor Tatyana Shramko.
Read the full article from February 2013 from Torpedo Factory Artists' Association (opens a PDF archived on this site).
Photo credit: The Patch (2013)
The Artistic Types: The Art of Tatyana Shramko
TheArtisticTypes filmed Tatyana Shramko at work in her studio at Torpedo Factory Art Center in Alexandria, Virginia, USA. Decked out in full protective goggles, mask, and coveralls, we get a quick glimpse of Tatyana's artistic process.
Watch the video from January 2013 on Youtube (note: there is no sound)
Photo taken from video by TheArtisticTypes (2013)
The Crystalline World of Ice and Snow in Harbin, China
Monumental sculptures from eight feet to three stories high dazzle and delight visitors to the world's largest winter festival. Tatyana Shramko, Torpedo Factory Sculptor, has participated in this extravaganza for five consecutive years, winning multiple awards.
Read the full article from February 2012 on The Patch.
Photo credit: The Patch (2012)